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Welcome to Willow's Class Page

We are taught by Ms Morison (class teacher), Mrs Barton (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Patel (Teaching Assistant). 




PE Lessons 

Please make sure your PE kit is kept in school during term time.

You need a drawstring bag for your plain white t-shirt and black joggers or shorts. 

Our PE days are Monday and Friday for Spring 1. 

Shoulder length hair or longer must be tied back on PE days. Small stud earrings can be worn. 


Home Reading 

Books are changed every Friday. Please make sure you return your book with your reading record. 

In year 2, we recommend at least three 15 minute sessions of reading with an adult every week. 

We reward children who consistently read at home every half term with a small prize and a ticket to enter the raffle draw. 


Other Homework


You will receive a spelling list every Friday. These words are taught in school the following week and are for you to practise at home. Your list will assigned to you on the Spelling Shed app. Your login details are stuck in your reading record. You will be tested on those words the following Friday and a Dojo message will be sent to your adult to let them know how you got on. 


To develop fluency in arithmetic, please use Numbots and TT Rockstars three times a week. Your login is stuck in your reading record.