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Week Beginning:01.07.2024

Year 6 Oak – Russell and Ellis for fantastic dance and Dom, Thomas, Calvin, Billy for giving dance a real good go even though it wasn’t ‘their thing’

Barnie, Charlie and Freddie for resilience in their ‘tough mudder

Year 5 Elm – Walter for resilience and Harry for kindness

Year 4 Rowan – the whole class for excellent behaviour and effort on the Dallow Moor trip

Year 3 Beech – Logan, Freya, Ted, Hattie and Jess for amazing progress in writing

Year 2 Willow – Jake and Ryder for giving yoga a real good go even though it wasn’t ‘their thing’

Year 1 Silver Birch – Harvey and Bryn for reaching 100 Dojos, Thea, Iris, Charlie, Daniel, noah, William and Mia for sporting prowess at the PHGS tournament

Reception Maple – Fred MW and Nellie for amazing writing and Aaron for smiling every day

Week Beginning:17.06.2024

Year 6 Oak – Sonny for positivity

Year 5 Elm – Charlie B for fantastic science with focus

Year 4 Rowan – Henry B for trying so hard in class and the playground

Year 3 Beech – Leo H for always being ready to learn

Year 2 Willow – Matilda and Stanley M persistent hard work

Week Beginning: 10/06/2024

Year 6 Oak – Layton for being polite, hardworking and helpful and Russell for being kind to younger children

Year 5 Elm – Maisie for her contributions and Charlie C for positivity and being on time

Year 4 Rowan – The whole class for their positive attitudes to times tables testing

Year 3 Beech – The whole class for being positive with a range of teacher this week

Year 2 Willow – Nina, Eliza, Lucy, Hollie, Elliot, Jake, Max M, Katelyn and George B for super progress and such a good attitude to phonics fast track

Year 1 Silver Birch – Maddie for always trying her best

Reception Maple – Franky and George for trying their best

Week Beginning: 3/6/24

Year 6 Oak – Thomas, Levan and Billy for fabulous writing and Milo for being kind

Year 5 Elm – Eliza B for an amazing empathy sound list

Year 4 Rowan – George for his super learning of times tables

Year 3 Beech – Hollie, Ebony, Violet and Lewka for trying their best

Year 2 Willow – Max M, Zachary, Lucas and Matilda for agility in athletics

Year 1 Silver Birch – Elliott, Arthur and Toby for trying their best

Reception Maples – The whole class for being so well behaved on the Harlow Carr trip

Week Beginning: 20.05.24

Year 6 Oak – Layton for being helpful and Ruby for being resilient

Year 5 Elm – Eliza B, Emily and Annabelle for super editing of writing

Year 4 Rowan – Selena for progress in reading, writing and maths

The whole class for being so sensible in pedestrian training

Year 3 Beech – the whole class for being polite, kind and welcoming to another child

Year 2 Willow – Ryder, Rory and Eliza for amazing Barbara Hepworth style sculptures

Year 1 Silver Birch – William and Bryn for thoughtful pop art printing

Reception Maples – Leah for her writing and Isiah for reading

Nursery Acorns - Jax for listening and settling well

Week Beginning:13/05/2024

Year 6 Oak – The whole class for their resilience in SATs week

Year 5 Elm – Kane for being helpful and considerate

Year 4 Rowan – Reuben for trying his best in everything

Year 3 Beech – Ted for his clear maths layout and neat presentation

Year 2 Willow – Lea, and Stanley P for fabulous art planning a sculpture and showing perspective in shading

Year 1 Silver Birch – Harvey and Isla for being always ready to learn and Iris for trying her best in reading and writing

Week Beginning:06/05/2024

Year 6 Oak – The whole class for trying their best all week

Year 5 Elm – Ralph for positivity

Year 4 Rowan – Bruno for confidence and Ana for team work in rounders

Year 3 Beech – writing stars, Sam, Hattie and Max. Logan for all round effort

Year 2 Willow – Joshua for extra effort in reading comprehension and writing stars in editing and spell checking: Nina, Matilda, Ryder, Eliza, Max T and Lucas

Year 1 Silver Birch – Maddie, Joey, Lana and Charlie for their morning routines

Week Beginning: 29/04/2024

Year 6 Oak – Lilly for progress and a positive attitude to practice SATs, Layton, Russell, Barnie, Eva and Alicia for extra effort this week

Year 5 Elm – Ava for trying her best with writing and Kara for being helpful and kind

Year 4 Rowan – Grace for super concentration in RWI and in class

Year 3 Beech – George for fabulous catch up in writing and Leo H for independence in writing

Year 2 Willow – Lucas for being an inquisitive historian

Year 1 Silver Birch – Arthur, Iris, Isabek, Lana and Eliza for fabulous phonics work and Sam for his handwriting

Week Beginning: 22/04/2024

Year 6 Oak – Leo, Milo, Hayden, Mason, William for focus to the editing of their writing

Year 5 Elm – Tom for creativity in his writing

Year 4 Rowan – Henry M for such a fantastic week

Year 3 Beech – Hattie and Jessica for their positivity

Year 2 Willow – Nina, Lea, Ophelia, Jake and Lucy for a huge improvement in handwriting and spelling

Year 1 Silver Birch – Oliver, Bryn, Maddie, Eve, Harvey, Bianka, Eliza, Parker, William, Charlie and Matteo for super handwriting improvement

Week Beginning: 15/04/2024

Year 6 Oak – Chloe, Sonny, Phoebe, Isla and Amelia for amazing writing

Year 5 Elm – Charlie C for super attendance and hard work, Keeley for a great start to the half term and Lewis for his cursive writing

Year 4 Rowan – Ana and Phoebe P for always being ready for every task

Year 3 Beech – Arthur for a super increase in concentration, Dylan for his effort in school lessons and practice at home too and Charlie for a super file of work

Year 2 Willow – Lucy for great listening

Year 1 Silver Birch – Noah for his handwriting and hold a sentence work

Week Beginning: 25/03/2024

Year 6 Oak – Henry, Isla, Freddie Hayden for being especially polite and respectful Mason for

Year 5 Elm – Charlie B for trying his best and being kind

Year 4 Rowan – Selena and George for great Read Write Inc improvements

Year 3 Beech – For being always ready: Freya, Leila, Violet, Abigail, Layla, Harley, Leo A, Sam, Hollie, Bryn, Evie and Maisie

Year 2 Willow – Rupert, Arabella and Wren for being consistent homework stars

Year 1 Silver Birch – Bianka for trying her best

Reception Maple – Ralph for his reading and Leah for her writing

Week Beginning: 18/03/2024

Year 6 Oak –Mason and  Isla for trying their best and Sonny for being helpful

Year 5 Elm – Sophia for confidence growth

Year 4 Rowan – Bruno for his swimming resilience and overcoming fears

Year 3 Beech – George, Leo H and Vinnie for being so welcoming, Emily for trying her best and Teddie for helping himself by using sensible strategies

Year 2 Willow – Stanley M, Rory, Rupert, Lucy, Ava, Ophelia and Jackson for sport enthusiasm

Year 1 Silver Birch – Oliver and Eve for careful windmill designs in DT

Reception Maples – Frankie for fabulous phonics and Theo for his writing

Week Beginning: 11th March 2024

Year 6 Oak – Amelia, Levan and Will for trying their best

Year 5 Elm – Charlie C for resilience

Year 4 Rowan – Serena, Rosie, Fatima, Grace for concentration in DT

Year 3 Beech – Harley and Evie for their work in English

Year 2 Willow – Ophelia, Rupert, Arabella, George, Katelyn and Max for maths money challenges

Year 1 Silver Birch – Lana and Matteo for working hard

Reception - Maple George for Read, Write Inc and Evie for fabulous writing

Week Beginning:04/03/2024

Year 6 Oak – Alicia, Malakai, Milo and Mason for tying their best

Year 5 Elm – Finlay for creativity and Molly for pushing herself

Year 4 Rowan – Phoebe P for being a fantastic work partner

Year 3 Beech – Lucas and Leo H for focus

Year 2 Willow – The whole class for being so well behaved on their trip to Ilkley

Year 1 Silver Birch – Iris for handwriting and Alyssa for improvement in concentration

Reception Maples - George and Aaron for handwriting

Week Beginning:26.02.24

Year 6 Oak – Eva, Malakai and Amelia resilience and focus

Year 5 Elm – Walter for some impressive writing

Year 4 Rowan – Maddie for hard work especially in maths and English

Year 3 Beech – Emily and Sam for amazing effort in writing

Year 2 Willow – Wren and Eliza for perseverance

Year 1 Silver Birch – Arthur for positive starts to the day

Week Beginning: 19/02/2024

Year 6 Oak – Russell and Layton for enthusiasm

Year 5 Elm – Rosie J for enthusiasm and Kara for resilience

Year 4 Rowan – Chloe, Selena and Lilia for perseverance in DT

Year 3 Beech – George and Bryn for concentration in assessment

Year 2 Willow – Rory and George for detailed explanations

Year 1 Silver Birch – the whole class for being so well behaved on their trip on Wednesday

Reception Maple The whole class for amazing Read Write Inc progress


Week Beginning:5th February 2024

Year 6 Oak – Layton for super homework and Phoebe, Henry, Isla, Levan, ruby, Sonny, Rory and Hayden for effort in enterprise activities

Year 5 Elm – Lewis for positivity and Finley & Louie for great teamwork

Year 4 Rowan – Rosie for presenting her Roman artefacts to the class

Year 3 Beech – Hattie for great maturity with Hollie and Ebony for trying their best

Year 2 Willow – The whole class for fantastic writing

Year 1 Silver Birch – Eliza, Oliver and Sam for being very kind as well as Milo and Ava for trying hard


Week Beginning: 29/01/2024

Year 6 Oak – Levan for amazing writing and Layton for persevering despite not feeling his best this week

Year 5 Elm – Charlie C for amazing effort with writing

Year 4 Rowan – Selena as a maths spark has ignited and Silas for amazing progress in guitar lessons

Year 3 Beech – Leila, Freya, George, Phoebe, Logan, Bryn, Sam, Jess and Teddy for amazing presentation

Year 2 Willow – Nina and Lucas for being so inquisitive in RE with respectful and sensible questions

Year 1 Silver Birch – Elliot and Harvey for working hard and being so polite


Week Beginning: 9th January 2024

Year 6 Oak – The whole class for super focus

Year 5 Elm – Annabelle for being a kind, caring talking partner

Year 4 Rowan – The whole class for trying their best this week

Year 3 Beech – Willow for her fabulous maths work

Year 2 Willow – Max M and Jackson for fabulous neat handwriting presentation

Year 1 Silver Birch – Isla and Noah for super maths work


Week Beginning: 18/12/2023

Year 6 Oak – Sonny, Leo, Ruby and Rory for enterprise work at the Christmas Fayre raising £80

Year 5 Elm – the whole class for creativity and general fabulousness this week

Year 4 Rowan – Jack for being a super star – good luck in your move

Year 3 Beech – the whole class for working so hard

Year 2 Willow – Ava, Lea, Stanley P, Nina and Freya for stepping into parts last minute to save the Christingle Nativity

Year 1 Silver Birch – Isla for resilience

Week Beginning: 11/12/23

Year 6 Oak – Emily for super effort, Eva for independence and Lucy for growing maths confidence

Year 5 Elm – Annabelle, Lewis, Kara, Sophia, Emily, Max and Walter for being amazing role models

Year 4 Rowan – Chloe for resilience in maths and writing

Year 3 Beech – Arthur and Dylan for having positive attitudes

Year 2 Willow – Lucy for doing so well on her ticktastic chart

Year 1 Silver Birch – Ava, Izabek and Iris for trying their best


Week Beginning:4/12/23

Year 6 Oak – Leo for amazing progress in English and maths assessments and Mason for helpful maturity

Year 5 Elm – Tom for consistently following our Golden Rules and Sophia for resilience and progress in maths

Year 4 Rowan – Warren, Lilia, Fatima, Bruno, and Toby for perseverance and collaboration in DT

Year 3 Beech – Emily for extra flair in her writing and Hollie for being so kind

Year 2 Willow – Jake and Lea for reading progress and trying their best

Year 1 Silver Birch – Charlie for trying his best with his handwriting

Reception Maple – Theo and Leah for handwriting resilience


Musical Groups who have represented Ashfield so well with resilient practice, beautiful singing and respectful behaviour:

Winter voices concert – Jasmine, Kara, Rosie J, Tom, Sophia and Emily

Singing Club at the Christmas Tree Festival - Jasmine, Kara, Rosie J, Tom, Sophia, Emily, Annabelle, Eliza S, Sam, Ruby, Hollie, Phoebe, Abigail, Leo A, Maddie, Phoebe B, Charlie C and Grace