Week Beginning: 16/12/2024
Year 6 Oak – Jasmine and Rosie J for perseverance in DT and Walter for being so respectful
Year 5 Elm – The whole class for a remarkable term and being a pleasure to teach
Year 4 Rowan – Harley for trying her best and Willow for her contributions to Otley Carnival Stars
Year 3 Beech – Katelyn and Hollie for fabulous writing
Year 2 Willow – The whole class for their hard work all term and for a super Christingle performance
Year 1 Silver Birch – The whole class for settling into KS1 so well
Reception Maples The whole class for a fantastic start to school
Week Beginning: 2/12/2024
Year 6 Oak – Louie, Tom, Maisie, Molly, Rosie J, Rosie W, Rebeca, Emily, Annabelle, Ralph and Eliza S for a fabulous instrument concert and all the practice that took place before that
Year 5 Elm – George for being on the ball with his learning
Year 4 Rowan –Louie and Sam for being so helpful
Year 3 Beech – Max T for super contributions to class discussions
Year 2 Willow – Mia for such good effort with spelling and handwriting
Year 1 Silver Birch – Lennon for being a good sportsman and George and Ralph for trying their best
Reception Maple – Thomas for a big improvement in handwriting
Week Beginning: 25/11/2024
Year 6 Oak – Rosie W for enthusiasm, Emily for maturity and Jimmy for excellent maths
Year 5 Elm – The whole class for exemplary behaviour at Magna and for such progress in maturity
Year 4 Rowan – The whole class for fabulous behaviour at Magna
Year 3 Beech – Elliot for resilience in sewing
Year 2 Willow – Arthur for being so polite and hard working
Year 1 Silver Birch – Lilly, Evie, Fred, Freddie, Leah, Hannah and Harry for amazing science homework
Reception Maple - Brandon and Ayda for learning their Nativity lines so well.
Top Table - showing superb manners in the dining hall: Hareem, Louie R, Leyla A, Ebony, Phoebe D, Theo, Thea and Georgie
Week Beginning: 18/11/2024
Year 6 Oak – Maisie for he report writing, Annabelle and Walter for always being on task and Phoebe for her attitude to learning
Year 5 Elm – Selena for perseverance and Bruno for being helpful
Year 4 Rowan –Leo H, Leo A and Teddie for team work in PE
Year 3 Beech – Jackson for great science work
Year 2 Willow – Eve, Thea and Toby for enthusiasm in PE
Year 1 Silver Birch – Isaiah being kind and cheering people up
Week Beginning: 11/11/2024
Year 6 Oak – Kara for maths positivity and Ralph for positivity and respect
Year 5 Elm – The whole class for managing change so well this week
Year 4 Rowan – Leo H for fabulous maths work this week
Year 3 Beech – Rupert for being Miss L’s maths assistant
Year 2 Willow – Milo for his engagement in science and Isabek for his RE knowledge
Year 1 Silver Birch – The whole class for being so good at all of the rules
Week Beginning: 4/11/24
Year 6 Oak – Tom, Ralph, Emily, Finlay, Bobby, Eliza B and Max for fantastic resilience at Herd Farm
Year 5 Elm –Lilia and Phoebe P for being incredibly helpful
Year 4 Rowan – Freya C for trying her best and being helpful
Year 3 Beech – Lucy for trying her best in maths
Year 2 Willow – Sam for improved handwriting and Eve for kindness in breakfast club and I the playground
Year 1 Silver Birch – Lilly, George, Freddie, Ralph and Leah for excellent manners and handwriting
Reception Maple Jax for great listening and Oscar for trying hard in phonics
Week Beginning: 21.10.2024
Year 5 Elm –Phoebe B for resilience in maths
Year 4 Rowan – Violet for being a resilient learner and Hattie for consistently following Golden Rules
Year 3 Beech – OOna, Wren and Ava for being fantastic historians
Year 2 Willow – Thea and Matteo for improved writing, Iris for maths confidence
Year 1 Silver Birch – Nellie, Olivia, Fred, Evie and Georgie for incredible art work
Week Beginning: 14/10/2024
Year 6 Oak – Rebeca and Molly for resilience in practice SAT tests.
Year 5 Elm – Chloe, Phoebe B, Maddie and Rosie for helping in the hall at lunchtime. Bayanda and Hareem for settling in so well to a new school and class
Year 4 Rowan – Ted for 100% effort, Dylan and Logan for their positive attitude to learning
Year 3 Beech – Max M for fabulous behaviour and contributions, Charlie and Nin for challenging themselves in poetry
Year 2 Willow – Alyssa for writing resilience
Year 1 Silver Birch – Theo and Harry P for working well on writing together
Reception Maple – Robin and Noah for fabulous phonics work
Week Beginning: 07/10/2024
Year 6 Oak – Max for his writing and creative ideas and Jasmine for trying her best in all subjects
Year 5 Elm – Selena for working hard in writing, George for mature and sophisticated answers in English, Reuben and Grace for following the rules at all times.
Year 4 Rowan – The whole class for fantastic swimming lessons this week
Year 3 Beech – Stanley P and Ophelia working well as a team
Year 2 Willow – Daniel for being respectful
Year 1 Silver Birch – Ellie, Orla, Hannah, Georgie, Molly and Ralph for beautiful writing
Reception Maple – Connie and Amber for being kind good friends
Week Beginning: 30/9/2024
Year 6 Oak – Bobby for trying his best
Year 5 Elm – Lilia and Bruno for working together to manage conflict
Year 4 Rowan – Max for working hard at spelling at home and at school
Year 3 Beech – George for some excellent maths work
Year 2 Willow – Bianka for editing her writing so well
Year 1 Silver Birch – Nellie for trying her best and showing respect
Week Beginning: 23/09/2024
Year 6 Oak – Louie for trying his best and Rosie J for resilient positivity
Year 5 Elm – Archie, Aaron, George and Maddie for implementing advice on editing their writing and Leo H for trying his best
Year 4 Rowan – Maisie for growing confidence and Dylan for respect in transition moments
Year 3 Beech – Jake for amazing writing
Year 2 Willow – Parker, Elliott and Mia for amazing writing
Year 1 Silver Birch – Lilly, Hannah for working really hard in phonics and Molly and Fred for composing super sentences.
Week Beginning 16th September 2024
Year 6 Oak – Annabelle and Rosie W for always following instructions first time and Keeley and Lewis for fabulous maths work
Year 5 Elm – Florence for concentration and Aaron for working hard all week
Year 4 Rowan – Abigail for amazing writing
Year 3 Beech – Lucas for always being on task
Year 2 Willow – Maddie, Mia, Arthur, Matteo for amazing science
Year 1 Silver Birch – Ralph, Ellie, Hannah and Molly for being patient and ready to learn
Reception Maple – Everyone settling into learning routines
Week Beginning: 9th September 2024
Year 6 Oak – Walter for hard work and enthusiasm, Alissia being caring to younger pupils
Year 5 Elm – Bruno, Rosie, Henry M, Reuben for engagement with work
Year 4 Rowan – Harley, Emily, Leyla A and George for trying their best
Year 3 Beech – Joshua for working hard in PE
Year 2 Willow – Bianka and Bryn for being excellent talk partners
Year 1 Silver Birch – Ellie, Leah and Freddie for being always ready to learn
Week Beginning:3/9/2024
Year 6 Oak – Finlay for focus and concentration
Year 5 Elm – The whole class for a mature start to year 5
Year 4 Rowan – The whole class for consistently following the golden rules
Year 3 Beech – Katelyn for super contributions
Year 2 Willow – Lana for being on task, Eliza for concentration, Harvey for positivity and Oliver for absolutely smashing year 2
Year 1 Silver Birch Orla, Theo and Molly for respect and following the rules