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Children develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. Children learn to respect themselves and each other, value diversity and celebrate differences. They learn skills to maintain healthy friendships and relationships.

Children learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy, physically and mentally. They learn how to manage their feelings and emotions and develop a good sense of wellbeing.

Wellbeing /Respect/Communicate

We follow the KAPOW scheme which incoporates the RSE statutory guidance and The PSHE Association Programme of Study. The organisation of our RSE and PSHE curriculum is organised into the following themes: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship, Economic wellbeing and Identity (Year 6 only).

The KAPOW scheme promotes the four fundamental British values which reflect life in modern Britain: demoncracy;rule of law; respect and tolerance. 

The aim is that, once learning has taken place, children can utilise this within their daily lives, from dealing with friendship issues to resilience to making healthy choices and know where and how to seek help when needed.

Kapow Primary’s RSE and PSHE scheme of work has been designed as a spiral curriculum with the following key principles in mind:

✓ Cyclical: Pupils revisit the five key areas throughout KS1 and KS2.

✓ Increasing depth: Each time a key area is revisited, it is covered with greater depth and increasing maturity.

✓ Prior knowledge: Upon returning to each key area, prior knowledge is utilised so pupils can build on previous foundations, rather than starting again.

Included into our long term plan for P.S.H.E./RSE lessons are the 'Wellbeing' units created by KAPOW. These are created in partnership with specialist mental health experts (Xenzone) Kooth. Pupils progress through six themes which are revistited each year. The themes are: 

Theme 1: Wonderful me 

Theme 2: People around me 

Theme 3: Meaning and purpose

Theme 4: Resilience

Theme 5: Healthy body, healthy mind 

Theme 6: Relaxation 


Also included in our long term plan are 'Mindmate Lessons.' This is an emotional literacy curriculum designed to support class-based discussions and learning around mental health and wellbeing. The lessons are written by a range of teachers, mental health professionals and consultants in partnership with other services and groups.

These lessons fit without or P.S.H.E. education curriculum in a modern, engaging and evidence-based manner, as part of the MindMate Champions whole school approach.

The following key skills are prioritised: 

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills
Please see policies uploaded below.